Tuesday, July 04, 2006

So - welcome and stuff

I really should be upstairs with the family - the wife is alone with the boys and they outnumber her. Instead, I'm here setting up my blog - because that's good parenting. One day, one of the boys will want to know why I was down here instead of with them - and they can come here and read this.

It's the fourth of July 2006. That means that America is 230 years old today - which means that we're 30 years older than we were in 1976. Anyone remeber how bad the fashion was that year? There should have been some flag police out that day. Where is the ammendment banning the wearing of star-spangled speedos?? And people say that flag burning is offensive!

So - I can here them about to overrun her position in the kitchen and I'm going to save my beloved bride. I'm out.



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