Friday, July 28, 2006

I *do not* heart CIV

ok ... several posts ago, i said "i don't like to rant/rave about things that i don't like." and, yet - here i am. very nearly about to do just that.

civilization - my very second ever computer game (bought it right after i beat wing commander 2). it was addictive and fun. later, i picked up civ 2 and 3. civ 4 is now out - and looks very cool. several of my friends play it and like it very much. i'm thinking of buying it. really - that's how dumb i am.

last night - i was feeling the need to play a computer game. i looked at what i had on my shelf and i saw CIV 3. and i thought (as i usually do), i *love* CIV! i'll install that. so - i did. and i started playing it. now - i don't have a clock that's easy to see from my desk (other than my cpu clock - that happens to be obscured when you're playing most games (including CIV)).

i drew the persians for my game. pretty standard set-up. since i hadn't played in a while, i set my difficulty on medium - and started. the game plays great. even with the slow start (ended up on my own continent).

about the time that i got forward bases and my corruption undercontrol. i decided that it was time to quit for the night. i had only been playing for a couple of hours - i had to be up early on friday for a thing. so, i hit save and checked the clock on my cell phone. good googly-moogly! it was 2:30 a.m. ... i had to be up in like 5 hours.

so, i did what any sane person would do. i saved the game and did a bit of empire-building to get ready for my attack on the evil romans and the worthless germans. (that way - see - i could just attack when i got back to this game later.) so - i hit save again; and it's later than it was before (a lot later - or maybe it's eariler; i cannot fathom that kind of question at the moment).

this time - i really did go to bed. but, the game -- the game -- the GAME!!! -- kept playing in my head. the best way to connect my towns; the best way to take the iron that i was so meanly not given any; the best way to make sure that i corner the market on silk and salt-peter.

i know that i fell asleep - sooner or later - because i woke up to my alarm clock and felt like i had spent the night being beaten about the face and neck. i coffee'd up and did my deal. hoping to catch a nap later in the day - assuming that things were as slow today as they were supposed to be.

and they were - but ... my nap. yeah - did you know that you can play CIV during the time you're supposed to be napping - just like you can play it while you're supposed to be asleep? it's true - you can.

THIS is why i deleted off my hard drive last time. THIS is why i'm going to have to delete it again. but not right now, i'm about to place the rest of the planet under my thumb - which is where it belongs.

peace - out - andy


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